Need vastikud manjaanamehed

Merkel Pressed to Give Up on Greece as Germans Urge Strong Euro

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is coming under growing pressure from within the ranks of her own party bloc to give up on Greece for the sake of the euro. Members of Merkel’s Christian Democratic bloc are openly challenging her stance of keeping Europe’s most-indebted country in the 19-nation currency region. Even some officials in the Finance Ministry are leaning toward the conclusion that the euro area would be better off without Greece, two people familiar with the matter said. “The euro would be strengthened if Greece left,” Alexander Radwan, a Merkel-affiliated lawmaker who voted for granting Greece a temporary extension of its bailout in February, said in an interview. “The other countries could then move closer together and apply the rules more strictly.”……

Jah, sellepärast ma räägin, et enne lootus panna konservatiividele.  Nende jutt ja loogika üle enda võimete elamisest on vale, aga selles vähemasti on mingisugune loogika, mis loodetavasti viib kuhugile, kas siis edasi või tagasi  🙂  . Vastaspoolel puudub igasugune loogika: peame reformima, nii jätkata ei saa, euro on meie raha, me oleme nördinud jne.  Jutt on selline nagu oleks hullumajja sattunud, heatahtlik, pehme, iseloomutu jne.

…..Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a prominent German advocate of European unity for decades, has given plenty of signs of exasperation with Greece since Tsipras and Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis took office in January on an anti-austerity platform.

Schaeuble Outburst

He told an Austrian television interviewer on March 12 that he could envisage a Greek exit from 19-nation currency. On a panel in Berlin the next week, he accused Greek authorities of lying to voters by failing to tell Greeks that they “lived way above their means” for decades……

Muidugi nad unustavad, et neil ei ole oma eksporti enam kuhugile maha kallutada, kui need vastikud manjaanamehed üle enda võimete elamise ära lõpetavad.

Euro on loonud tingimused perfektseks tormiks, millega see lõpeb, ei tea. Minul on koht esimeses reas sellel vaatusel.

About Kristjan

Defitsiidi terrorismi vastase pataljoni eriüksuslane (finantsignorantsuse vastu võitlemise osakond). Treening: MMT, postkeinsism, Tartu Ülikool Majandusteadus
Rubriigid: English, Estonian. Salvesta püsiviide oma järjehoidjasse.

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